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A Brand-New Start

In 2010, it was during this period that the skin care market in Malaysia and many parts of the developing world were dominated by products that contain harmful ingredients that can compromise the health and safety of its users. These harmful products were remnants of unsellable supplies that came from developed nations that have adopted new restrictions and bans on certain ingredients. As restrictions were relatively lax in some developing nations, a lot of these products were able to bypass the boarders and end up on the shelves of low-end pharmacies, skin care salons owned by dealers, and e-commerce platforms.

With the desire to help people attain beautiful healthy skin, Melissa embarked on an international journey of research and collaboration with the best skin labs in Switzerland to develop a new proactive and safe skincare solution that delivers the highest performing results while containing no known harmful ingredients.

“My biggest challenge is to challenge myself to develop better skincare products that meet the skin needs and give better results naturally while delaying skin aging as much as possible.” – Melissa

In the late 2010, Melissa founded ‘Melissachens High Performance Skincare’ with the aim to safely and effectively deliver result oriented skin treatments to customers and preserve their natural skin beauty for a longer time.

Melissa wanted to create products that would make a difference, so she leveraged on the strength of western research and development to specifically tailor-make new types of products that could accommodate skin comfort and exceed its expectations.

Melissa collaborated with advanced laboratory facilities in Switzerland to develop the perfect formula that best represents her aspirations of healthy beauty. She was very perculiar about the selection of key ingredients used in her products, ensuring that each formula was potent and tested to repair, restore, protect and nourish the skin to deliver noticeable results that last. In addition, her formulas strictly exclude pore-blocking comedogenic ingredients that make the difference.

“Melissachens was developed as a professional skincare brand with restorative professional treatment in the salon and high performance daily homecare treatment. In our modern lifestyle, we need a proactive high performance skincare product to overcome the damaging effect from the external environmental pollution and daily lifestyle stress that impacting us to accelerating aging.” – Melissa

“I particularly remembered one customer telling me that my products were high performance like a Ferrari, with regards to delivering instant results to her skin, and that was how my whole inspiration of ‘High Performance Skincare’ came about.” – Melissa

In 2011, Melissa opened her flagship boutique salon named Melissachens Skin Beauty Spa found in one of the largest shopping centers in the world, the 1Utama Shopping Centre located in Malaysia. Offering the most exclusive of result-oriented treatments that are personalized for her client’s skin needs with the sole purpose of creating the best results possible.

“My skin treatment routine works on to repair, restore, nourish and protect the skin barrier and immunise the cellular health against accelerating aging. In our modern lifestyles today, I believe skincare needs to be proactive. With my understanding of woman needs, I conceptualised Melissachens skin range to correct and preserve skin beauty to be more age-resistant.” – Melissa

“I developed Melissachens 5 Step High Performance skin routines to not only meet my customer skin needs, but to also help them see better skin through faster results, better results and visible results. My aim is to preserve skin beauty for longer time.” – Melissa

Melissachens Skin Beauty Spa is highly sought after for its excellence in treating clients with severe acne skin problems, based on the best-kept secret of Melissa’s signature acne extraction technique, her specialty from over the years.

“I don’t believe in investing heavily on advertising, I believe that if I manage to successfully treat my client’s skin, they will eventually tell their friends, that to me is a good enough form of advertising.” – Melissa

Today, Melissachens High Performance Skincare can be found online and offline on the shelves of premium pharmacies and professional beauty salons, as distribution has successfully expanded throughout countries like Malaysia, Singapore, China and Indonesia.

“It is my lifelong dream to help men and women of all ages and skin conditions to achieve better health and skin beauty that last longer naturally and effortlessly through products that I truly believe in.” – Melissa